My favorite trick or treater

Can you guess who this is? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.
Labels: Halloween 2007
Labels: Halloween 2007
posted by Ron Graham at
7:29 PM
Sight unseen,that's my take on the world...really.
Access+Ability = Accessibility. Positive attitude and positive change are what Access Ability is all about. For background, I am a former supervisor with the Texas prison system, medically retired following a 13-year career. In 1993, I was blinded in an auto accident at age 31. Since that life-changing event, I have gone back to college and earned an AAS (Criminal Justice), BS (Behavior Science), and MA (Clinical Psychology). During grad school, I worked for 3 years in the university’s DSS office as a graduate assistant to the coordinator. I also worked most recently as Coordinator of DSS at a Texas community college. I also have gained experience as a public speaker on a variety of topics. The central theme in all these subjects has been attitude. Mine is a positive one, and I am a person who will work for change in that direction. I am a man who happens to be blind, not a blind man. That is my personal distinction in attitude. However, I believe it is one which could serve a broad population when applied in the world of Disability Support Services.
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